Rules of the main game CryptoEURO24

Only one team can become EURO24 champion The task of our main game is to guess which team will succeed Whoever guesses correctly will divide between themselves an amount of more than 1,000,000 EURO24

We put 1,024,000 EURO24 tokens into the prize pool. Each bet made by participants in our game will be automatically added to the prize fund

Those who guess the winner of EURO24 will divide the entire prize fund according to their share of the winners pool

Your share = (Your bet * bet multiplier) / Winner pool size

The earlier you place your prediction bet, the larger your bet multiplier will be, which means you will receive a larger share of the prize pool if you are successful

Formula for calculating your winnings:

(Bet * multiplier * Prize fund) / Winner pool size

The maximum number of EURO24 tokens is limited to 24,000,000. But not all of them will be put into circulation. We have developed a smooth, gradual system for issuing new tokens, which allows the price of the token to increase as the number of players in the tournament increases

Each new bet will always increase the prize pool, but will not always increase the size of the winner pool. Moreover, the closer to the final, the lower the bet multiplier. This means your share in the pool may increase as the tournament progresses

To better understand the dynamics of unfreezing EURO24 tokens, we will give the following example. All 24,000,000 EURO24 tokens will only be released if our game prize pool reaches 24,000,000 EURO. That is, the price of the EURO24 token will be more 1 USDT

The new stage of token release will be accompanied by the addition of these tokens to the prize pool of our main game. But the EURO24 token will also be used for other games. Even after the completion of EURO2024

At the first stage, we issued a total of 2,400,000 EURO24 tokens. Of these, 1,024,000 tokens are in the game prize pool. If the game reaches the required level of popularity, then when we release a new portion of tokens we will add another 1,000,000 EURO24 to the prize pool of our main game